Online Extravaganza is almost here - it starts on Monday. And thus starts the week of mad shopping and purchasing craziness.
Have you ever gone Black Friday shopping? It's not such a big thing here in Canada, but I live right near the Washington border so I'd talked for years about going and experiencing the madness. It was insane.
I had just found out I was pregnant with my first son, and I went into Bellingham with my mom and her friend. Our plan was to get there right at midnight so we could be there right at the beginning.
Except people had been lining up for HOURS. We went into JC Penney and there was literally a line around the entire whole store. You'd have to wait in line for two or three hours to pay for something. Not worth it, in my opinion! Another time, Earl and I went and we went into Best Buy and there was almost a riot when they opened the doors. Complete insanity.
That's why I love the cyber sales. You can make yourself a steaming cup of coffee and sit in front of your computer and it's just... peaceful. :)
AND to make it even better, I'm giving you a sneak peek of what's going to be on sale, so you can make your purchasing decisions without all the pressure of am-I-going-to-get-what-I-want-what-if-it's-sold-out-when-I-get-there?! Just email your orders to me and if they're doorbusters or retiring items, we can get that order in first thing Monday morning. All orders qualify for a FREE GIFT from me that will be mailed out in the first week of December!
And then I'm going to get my hair done.
*Jenilee's hint of the day* If there's a lot on your wishlist, now is the time to put in a big order! This is the biggest sale of the year, so you'll get more bang for your buck. Think Christmas presents, birthday presents for the year... you can even talk to your family & friends and give them your wishlists. Get me to open up a host code for you so you can get freebies when your order total reaches $200! And then share that host code with your friends for the potential of even more freebies!
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